Sunday 29 March 2009

March 2009 - Flying the flag, part 2

The original:

The brief:
A slightly more technical Challenge this week, after last week's flights of fancy.

Here's a flag I photographed a few months ago. It was outside a military airbase, and the blue serves to indicate something or other - not sure what, sometimes it's red, sometimes it's green.

The important thing about this flag, though, is that it has no design on it. And that's what I want you to remedy: I'd like you to place your own country's flag onto this one, making the result as convincing as you can.

Not easy, this one. I don't think there's any quick way of doing this. But can you make your flag look real?

Finished work: (this is the flag of Derbyshire - my spiritual home!)

As usual, click to view bigger.

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