The original:

The brief:
A slightly more technical Challenge this week, after last week's flights of fancy.
Here's a flag I photographed a few months ago. It was outside a military airbase, and the blue serves to indicate something or other - not sure what, sometimes it's red, sometimes it's green.
The important thing about this flag, though, is that it has no design on it. And that's what I want you to remedy: I'd like you to place your own country's flag onto this one, making the result as convincing as you can.
Not easy, this one. I don't think there's any quick way of doing this. But can you make your flag look real?
Finished work: (this is the flag of Derbyshire - my spiritual home!)
As usual, click to view bigger.
The original:

The brief:
This Sunday is Mothers' Day here in the UK, and of course I'll be taking mine out for lunch. But where should we go? Can you picture the scene?
I'm not giving you any pictures of my mother, of course. But you can assume that she looks something like me, so here's the mugshot I used in the latest edition of the book.
I have a feeling I'm going to regret this...
Finished work: (not exactly following the brief but, hey, you've got to rebel occasionally!)

Click to view full size.
The original:

The brief:
I spent some time in London's National Maritime Museum over the weekend, which has a wide range of entertaining and interesting seafaring artefacts. I was taken with the construction of this display case, which has been made to look as if it's constructed of rusted metal and ship's planking.
The object inside, though, is rather dull, and the walls (this was the children's gallery) are overpowering. Could we come up with a better setting, and a more interesting exhibit?
Finished work:
The original:
The brief:
This innovative poster hoarding on London's Oxford Street doesn't seem to be doing its job very well - everyone's ignoring it. What can we do to make it more impressive? Surely there must be some way of capturing the attention of passers by?
Finished work: (NB: no fish were harmed in the creation of this picture!)