The original:
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This 3D render was posted by Dave Cox a couple of weeks ago, with the suggestion that it would make a good Friday Challenge. Well, never one to turn down a good idea, I agree with him: so let's take this scene and make it look like a moody restaurant at closing time. Cue waiters, soft lighting, perhaps a lone couple at that table.
Finished work:
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The brief:
Born2Run drew our attention this week to a new Indiana Jones movie, starring a somewhat advanced Harrison Ford. And it led me to think: is it time they wheeled out Sean Connery to make another Bond movie? And if they did, what sort of high jinx could he get up to at his age? Answers on a poster, please.
Just to make the problem a little more tricky, I'd like you to use this portrait of Sean. It's a waxwork, photographed by Flickr member Daniel VDM (thanks, Dan) and what intrigues me about it is that although it may be anatomically correct, there's little sense of life here.
Why not? What is this wax model lacking? And can you put the magic element back in?
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The excitement of Super Tuesday and the Democratic nominations has brought great interest on both sides of the Atlantic. What could have been a mundane coronation has turned into a fascinating race.
Seems to me that both Hillary and Obama have many positive features, so much so that it must be hard to choose between them. So rather than picking a winner and a loser, the best solution might be a merger of the two.
Tricky in real life, of course, but fortunately we have Photoshop to help us out. So what do you think? Can you build a composite contender? You'll need to source your own photos of the pair of them, but that shouldn't be tricky...
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The brief:
A bit of a technical challenge this time around. I spent much of last week looking up at this scene - a bottle of immunoglobulin being slowly dripped into me. It was a glass bottle, viewed slightly from below, and with each drip out of the bottle an air bubble rose to the surface of the liquid. At the time this photograph was taken, the surface was covered with bubbles.
Of course, in this version I've taken out the bottle itself (and apologies for the rather rough background patching, my hands still aren't quite back to normal). I've left the cap there so you can see where it should go.
So here's the challenge: redraw the bottle, using the cap as a base. Remember it needs some mechanism to hang from the stand. I'm looking for realism here - although, the forum being what it is, I'd expect some flippancy in the mix.
Next Friday I'll publish the original photo, for comparison.
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