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The brief:
After katew's intriguing image of the space shuttle landing on the centre court at Wimbledon last week, it made me think: how would it be if the shuttle could actually land on the moon (or any other planet, come to that) rather than just hovering in space? What means would it use? What would the planet look like? I think lighting (and imagination) are going to be the key to this one.
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Ted Eggs has been to Wimbledon this week, as his excellent panoramas have shown. He was wondering what other use could be made of this arena and this crowd, and I'm also intrigued by the idea. Here's your audience: put on a show!
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I thought Steve Hill's entry to last week's Friday Challenge raised an interesting question: how do we turn a photograph into a cartoon? His approach went a long way towards a solution, but I'm not sure it quite got there. I suspect that the only way of doing it might be to redraw the features on a new layer.
So that's your challenge for this week: take any well-known face, and turn it into a drawn cartoon. Could be as faithful to the original as you like, or you could go the Simpsons route, complete with yellow skin and overbite... this one's entirely up to you. I think this is a technique we all need to master.
Do be sure to include the original face in your post!
My original:
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The brief:
Not sure how much impact this has had on the world stage, but we in Britain have got a new Prime Minister this week. Gordon Brown may be fiscally adept, as his ten years in charge of the Treasury has shown, but somehow I feel he lacks that sparkle needed to give him voter appeal. Can you make this dour Scot more voter-friendly? If you don't want to use the image below, there's a good selection of free-to-use images here.
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