The original:

The brief:
Sometimes a photograph just cries out for the old Photoshop treatment. This spooky mansion could look a lot spookier, don't you think? A few ghosts, a touch of lycanthropy, the odd spectre lurking behind those windows?
Finished work:
As always, click on picture for full size version.
The original:
The brief:
A couple of you have pointed out that the photo of my on the flap in the latest edition (and on the main How to Cheat website) looks a little young. To tell the truth, this wasn't just vanity - I simply carried on using the same picture I'd used in the first edition, without thinking about it. Looking at it now, though, it does seem rather too youthful. Anyone care to age me by a few years? I could, of course, have given you a photo without that hand in front of my face - but then I don't want to make it too easy for you. And just so you don't get any ideas about cheating, I've removed my avatar this week as well, so you'll have to do it from memory (or imagination). Have fun with this one.
Finished work:

As usual, click on picture to see full size version.
No original picture this week, as it was a design challenge.
The brief:
As Michael Sinclair pointed out to me, there's been a lot of consternation over the new logo for the 2012 Olympics in London. i have to admit that when I first saw it, I was rather puzzled and even horrified: but having seen it animated, it does make a lot more sense when it's moving, and when textures are added.
So here's your challenge this week: either produce a fabulous animation of this logo, or dump it and design your own from scratch. This is more of a design challenge than one directly connected with Photoshop techniques, but I think it's an interesting one.
Finished work:

As usual, click on picture to see full sized version.