The original:
The brief:
As you'd expect, I took a load of photos during my recent trip to France, and we'll see a few of them cropping up here during the weeks to come.
I was particularly intrigued by this ruined house, which reminded me of the sort of ruins you see in old war films and games like Call of Duty. Of course, I photographed this scene on a bright, calm day. What would it look like in the heat of battle?
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This one does not exactly follow the brief, as I am not happy creating war pictures.
The original:
The brief:
As you read this, I'm driving around the west coast of France - ably assisted, of course, by my trusty GPS unit. Of course, these devices do sometimes go wrong and lead people astray.
But just how wrong can they go? Here's the machine: the setting is entirely up to you.
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The brief:
I went to a small town fair a few weeks ago - a rather dismal event in
a damp field. Of course, this sort of thing always looks a lot better
at night, when the lights have a chance to ring out.
Think we can perk up this somewhat lacklustre affair?
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The brief:
We were having lunch in the country last weekend when these magnificent beasts appeared on the other side of the river. I was so taken with them, I just had to photograph them.
Carol, my partner, couldn't understand what I wanted photographs of cows for. Come to think of it, I'm not sure myself. Surely there's some purpose these beautiful animals can be put to?
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