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A bit more of a technical challenge this week. Here's my bath, and as you can see it's lost a shower tap. If you replace it this should help me to turn the bath on without flooding the room, so can you fill it up for me? The water stream might be tricky to draw - but if you want to fill the bath with bubbles and rubber ducks that's of course entirely up to you.
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Another shot from my trip to Norway earlier this year. This one's in the national museum of modern art. Well, it's a good enough building - but am I alone in thinking that the art is just a little on the dull side? Can't remember what's in that glass case, but it looks like a piece of old carpet from here.
Your challenge is to give the gallery a makeover. You can borrow pictures from anywhere in the world, of course. My only stipulation is that anything you place in here must look as if it's actually in this room, with its annoyingly shiny floor.
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A slightly more technical challenge this week. Here's a photograph of a rather fine ornate iron street lamp: I'd like you to switch it on. Or, if you prefer, refit it for the gas mantle it would have had originally.
It's a slightly trickier job than it might look. What sort of shadows would be cast here? How would the glass shade glow with a light inside it?
Of course, many of you aren't content with simple technical stuff, and want to get your creativity in here as well. That's what the window is for.
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Here's a photo Gordon (GKB) sent me back in February, which he took during a walk around Copenhagen: he thought it would make a good Friday Challenge.
Well, I think so too, but probably not in the way Gordon had in mind. I'm not going to ask you to make her look real - the undoubted retouching skills many of you have would quickly make this forum X-rated if I asked for that.
Instead, I'd like you to place her in another environment: a bath, say, or a sauna. Whatever you think appropriate. But here's the catch: the environment in which she finds herself must be made of the same bronze that she is, as if they were both cast from a single piece.
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