The original:

The brief:
I went to Paris last weekend from the new Eurostar terminal at St Pancras station in London, which has had a multi-million pound overhaul to take the new tracks. One of the features is a huge and rather bizarre statue of two lovers in the main hall.
Well, it's OK if you like Woolworths kitsch, but I think we can do better. So here's another photo of St Pancras, before the statue was installed. It's a slightly tricky angle, being shot from below; and, as you can see, the building work needs finishing off. But can you think of a more appropriate piece of public art for this space?
Finished work:
The original:

The brief:
I had to do a job this week which involved placing a British journalist into a number of historical photographs. I had colour pictures of him, but all the target photos were in black and white: matching the skin tones turned out to be a tricky job.
So here's your Challenge for this week: recast this Marx Brothers still using contemporary actors.Whether you turn your actors to black and white, or recolour the whole scene, is your choice!
Finished work:
The brief:
It was my birthday yesterday, and to my immense joy and delight I was given an iPhone - which I reckon is about the best gift I could possibly receive.
Or is it? Can you people imagine a birthday present that would top it? Regulars will have some idea of my interests by now - which include gadgets, music, woodworking, Photoshop of course, and spending as much time in Paris as possible.
No starting images this week. After the immense difficulty of last week's Challenge, I thought you'd like an easy ride!
Finished work:
The original:

The brief:
I discovered an abandoned dairy a couple of weekends ago, and took loads of photographs of broken windows and doors - and this completely trashed office.
What I'd like you to do is clean it up. Now, I know it would be easy enough to create new walls in here, but I'd like you, as far as possible, to use what you can salvage from the original room. Can that radiator be repaired? Is there enough wood panel to reconstruct the wall? Can those strip lights be fixed? I'm looking for restoration here, rather than a makeover.
Finished work: