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The brief:
A bit of a technical Challenge this week. I took my kids water skiing when we were in France, and I was intrigued by the reflections produced on this river. Conditions: overcasts day, no wind, minimal current. Can you reproduce the water surface? At the end of the week I'll post the original photograph so you can see what it really looked like.
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The brief:
Here's a bed I photographed a few years ago. I put a couple of pillows under the covers to make it look as if there was a body in there, as I had to place a couple of politicians' heads on the top - but I ran out of pillows, and it didn't quite work. Your task for the week: build up the duvet so it looks like there's someone (or some people) under there, and then stick a head on top. And a bit of a bedroom wouldn’t go amiss...
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When they said "You're going to the sea bed", I didn't know this was what they had in mind!
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Josephine Harvatt went to watch the Tour de France recently, but seems to have missed all the action. Still, we have a great road surface, and plenty of onlookers... what could be just around the corner? A host of bicycles, or something more spectacular?
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"I think we took a wrong turn at Ye Olde Stirrup Cuppe!"
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I watched the first Spiderman movie again last week, and really liked the scene where he first wears his home made Spidey costume - all wrinkled T-shirt and hand drawn logo. Before long, though, he's invested in the full Lycra body suit, complete with raised webbing, in a tear-resistant fabric. Where on earth do these superheroes buy their costumes?
The good thing about snug, body-hugging attire is that there are no folds or wrinkles to wory about, which makes them particularly suitable for computer modelling: recolouring the skin tones is usually enough. So here's a naked superhero I knocked up in Poser: your task is to dress him in the design of your choice. Innovative special powers are always welcome!
Finished work:
The Original:
The brief:
I can't remember where I got this photograph of a bald head from - I needed it for a montage about 10 years ago, and hung onto it. Haven't needed it again since. But it seems to me there are many more potential uses for such a shiny dome: any ideas?
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